
What We Do…

Bitmap Soft was established in 2019, primarily as a software house for publishing new and unreleased games for your loved computers and consoles. Our motto is simple “Putting the NEW into RETRO”, we aim to create a fantastic catalogue of games across a broad spectrum of systems and not just the popular ones.

We currently support the C16, CPlus/4, C64, Amstrad CPC 464, ZX Spectrum 48k/128k/NEXT, CD32 and the Atari ST & Commodore Amiga range of computers.

All sales are split after costs between the developer and ourselves, we are not for profit and will be re-investing back into the software house to increase our output and hopefully be able to publish games for other systems.

If you’ve written a game, hold the rights to a classic game that you created back in the day, or perhaps you’re thinking of writing one, then maybe we can help you out. After all – you’ve got nothing to lose, as we will take on all the risk plus you keep hold of the rights to the game.

Want to contact us?   Email us here, or contact us via Twitter.